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Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission
  • Opens 01 Nov 2020
  • Still accepting abstracts
Notify Review Decision
  • From 20 Mar 2021

Information and Support
Tel: (65) 6472 3108 Fax: (65) 6472 3208


  1. English is the official language throughout the meeting.
  2. Only abstracts received via the ARC13 submission portal will be considered.
  3. Abstract should contain text only (no graphics or mathematical equations) and may not exceed 350 words.
  4. Authors will be required to state their preferred presentation mode (Oral or Poster) which is usually honored though not guaranteed to be satisfied.
  5. Authors can make changes to their abstracts but must be before review decisions have been made.
    Example of changes: abstract title and/or contents, add/remove/re-order authors, withdraw an abstract etc.
  6. The maximum limit is 2 abstracts per submitting author.
  7. All abstracts are subject to a peer review process. Reviewers are the conference’s scientific committee of experts in fields specifically matching the conference topics.
  8. By submitting the abstract, you are granting ARC13 organizers permission to disseminate it electronically.

How to Submit Your Abstract (Opens 01 Nov 2020)

Step 1: Create User Account

The account enables a user to perform tasks like edit submission(s), monitor review status, view registration records, download/print invoices, receipts, and presenter schedule, keep track of what’s new on the announcement board. ARMS10 participants are already added to the system and will not require a new user account.

Step 2: Submission & Confirmation

  • Sign in with your email (the one used to create your user account) and password.
    Follow the on-screen instructions to submit your abstract.
  • You should receive an email confirmation within 48 hours after submission.
  • If otherwise, please email secretariat to:
  • An ID will be assigned to each successfully submitted abstract.
  • For faster services, please quote the abstract ID in all correspondences.
  • You can make changes to the abstract but must be before review decisions have been made.

Step 3: Review & Acceptance

  • Abstracts will be reviewed based on their contents and scientific merit.
  • Authors will be notified of review decisions from 20 March 2021.
Submit Abstract

Step 4: Registration

  • The ID of the abstract that is covered by the registration must be included.
  • A presenter must be the abstract's author or co-author.
  • The author who registers the abstract will be deemed as the presenter.
  • The program will include only abstract that are covered by a paid registration.

Information and Support

IAEG-ARC13 Secretariat - Meeting Matters International Pte Ltd
Address: #06-23 ONE COMMONWEALTH, 1 Commonwealth Lane, Singapore 149544
Tel: (65) 6472 3108
Fax: (65) 6472 3208